Monday, October 24, 2011

Viral Marketing

I just saw Paranormal Activity 3 this past weekend and it made me think of movies and viral marketing. When the first Paranormal Activity movie came out it came out through word of mouth and through viral marketing. In order to see the movie first everyone had to log onto a website and vote for which city would see it first. Me being in Orlando I voted for it because I wanted to see what all the hype was about. I am glad I did it because the movie scared the hell out of me. Now another movie that has used viral marketing is a little indie film called the Dark Knight. When viral marketing started for the Dark Knight it started off with one website that that led to another and another. This got the hype up to see the movie grow more and more everyday because there was something new to discover. While there are a lot of movies that do not need to use viral marketing there are some that can definitely benefit from it.

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