Monday, April 2, 2012

The Artist

*I apologize to anyone reading this late as I had to get my account unlocked.*

Last month a  small movie called "The Artist" won five Oscar's including an Oscar for best picture. The film was done in the style of the old silent movies meaning that it was shot in black and white and there was no sound with the exception of music and sound effects. Over a year ago I was discussing with some classmates that movies can still be shot in black and white and be done like silent movies. They had told me that no one will make or even like the idea of making a silent movie. While I obviously did not influence the creation of The Artist I am glad that someone had the same or similar idea to make a silent movie. The reason silent movies eventually stopped being made was because the addition of sound and black and white films stopped with the addition color. The addition of sound and color to film added additional layers of depth to filmmaking. I strongly believe that many filmmakers have forgotten that films are moving pictures. You don't need computer generated effects, explosions, some big actor or actress to star in a movie, sound or even color to make a movie work. While these things can definitely help movies they don't need to be used to make a great film. If you were to mute your tv and turn off the color you would still be able to see what is going on your tv or show. Film is a visual art that can still made like the old silent movies that is why The Artist worked so well. While some films would be harder to make like a silent film, they can still be done if done correctly. For example there was an old Twilight Zone episode that had very little sound and it worked very well because the visuals told the story. I hope to see more movies like The Artist in the future but only if filmmakers learn to use it to create a great story and to not use it as a money train.

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