Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Viral Marketing

I have just watched a very interesting and intriguing TED "speech". The reason I have the word speech quoted is because it is less of a speech and more of a viral marketing ploy. You can also consider it to be people enjoying their job or even them wanting to do some brand new. Here is the link below.


I chose this because the people behind the Gotta Share musical improv have an interesting approach as how to promote themselves. They not only have prepared a short and brief introduction into what they are doing but have also created some viral marketing for themselves. The speaker or rather speakers have helped me understand a little bit more about viral marketing. Viral marketing does not only have to be online, it can also be done in a real life situation that can cause people to tweet, text, or even talk about it. The speakers have also made me learn to be somewhat spontaneous because their little song and dance was a little spontaneous. All in all the speakers showed me that you can still have fun doing your job and have your audience or clients and customers have fun with you.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Lets remake everything.

Hollywood is starting to get themselves into a trend where the are remaking movies. This is a good idea and a bad idea. The reason it is good is because there are some movies that are outdated in todays day and age. But there are some movies which are classic that should not be remade at all. I think Hollywood needs to have movies come out every two weeks rather than every week. Imagine a 2 new movies come out every week for a year. That is 104 movies every year. You know how many remakes those movies probably are? If Hollywood came out with movies every two weeks it can help everyone by people getting outside and enjoying the world around them rather than going to the movies seeing the same thing a dozen different times. On the subject of remakes why does money have to influence people into making them? For example Spider-Man, the first movie came out in 2002 and made tons of money. The second one came out in 2004 and made even more money. The third one came out in 2007 and made a lot of money but was a horrible movie. Less than 4 years later it was announced that they were going to reboot the Spider-Man franchise and take him back to his high school years. Why? There are other movies that Marvel can reboot such as Daredevil ,Fantastic Four. So why reboot a franchise that was already great to begin with? Answer money.



Viral Marketing

I just saw Paranormal Activity 3 this past weekend and it made me think of movies and viral marketing. When the first Paranormal Activity movie came out it came out through word of mouth and through viral marketing. In order to see the movie first everyone had to log onto a website and vote for which city would see it first. Me being in Orlando I voted for it because I wanted to see what all the hype was about. I am glad I did it because the movie scared the hell out of me. Now another movie that has used viral marketing is a little indie film called the Dark Knight. When viral marketing started for the Dark Knight it started off with one website that that led to another and another. This got the hype up to see the movie grow more and more everyday because there was something new to discover. While there are a lot of movies that do not need to use viral marketing there are some that can definitely benefit from it.



Sunday, October 9, 2011

Is it that easy to sue to a company?

Ok so I found an article at IGN http://movies.ign.com/articles/119/1199189p1.html saying that a woman from Michigan has filed a suit over a movie trailer for the movie Drive http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0780504/. The suit claims that she felt that she has been misled into believing that she would be watching a movie that is similar in nature to the Fast and Furious franchise. I find it hard to believe that the woman did not know that movie trailers typically lie to everyone. Most trailers tend to be deceiving in order to make money. They can show a kids movie to be funny but once you are in the theater they kids (and adults) do not find the movie to be funny at all. That is one way Hollywood deceives people into going to the movies. The woman should know that not every movie is going to be what the trailer has shown, many times there are scenes shown in a trailer but yet they do not make it into the theaters. All in all I hope the court doesn't even look at this woman's case.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

3 Dimensions

Hollywood is or rather has been getting the idea in their head that they every new movie that is coming out to theaters must have 3-D. Professionally I do not mind this as it most likely helps pay the bills, however personally I am against it because it takes away from the actual story of the film. There are certain movies where 3-D can enhance the story with films such as How to Train Your Dragon and Toy Story 3.

Films that have computer generated imagery in them are most likely the best contenders for 3-D because of dimensionality. You can already see things as if they were to be perceived in life. However some films such as Top Gun and Star Wars Episode 1 are being converted into 3-D when it should not be converted because it does not enhance the story at all.

