Thursday, January 5, 2012

American Remakes

Earlier today I read an article online stating that the "Akira" has been put on hold. The reason why this movie has been put on hold is because Warner Bros. wants to spend less money that what was originally intended for the movie because their are no big actors attached to the movie. I can understand where they are coming from. They are afraid that they will lose money since no one will know who the stars of the movie are. I think they should be less worried about not having big named stars and concentrate on leaving the budget the way it was intended to be. "Akira" should not be a movie that has very little special effects, it should have Michael Bay size effects. One reason I bring up "Akira" is because the major film studios here in the United States like to remake a lot of foreign films. Personally I do not like it due to the fact that we are taking someones original film and messing with it.

Speaking of "Akira" (which is a Japanese animated movie) there are a few American remakes of foreign films that come to mind such as "Ju-on: The Grudge" and "Let The Right One In". While the latter remake was not a box office hit the former remake was. I believe the reason for this is because "The Grudge" changes many elements that made original movie great. With "Let Me In" the remake was almost an exact duplicate of the original with the exception of different actors. Even with the success of "Let Me In" I do not think Hollywood should resort to remake any foreign film because it is lazy to just take someone else's work of art and try to copy it and pass it off as if it was their own work. It can be successful or a complete failure but I know personally I would not like anyone to remake anything I have done.

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